Monday, November 3, 2008

That's The Ryrie Building.

So I really love this building at 229 Yonge St., at the corner of Yonge and currently houses Urban Outfitters and (ahem) Buffalo (:s). HOWEVER, it has a rather illustrious history...

Ryrie Bros. was, at around the turn of the twentieth century, Canada's largest and most successful fine jewelry firm. Downtown Yonge Street at the time was where all of the large emporiums- Eaton's, Simpson's, Holt Renfrew, etc.- had their flagship shops, and this was Ryrie Bros'.

Ryrie's merged with Ellis Bros., another Toronto firm, and Henry Birks & Sons of Montreal, and became Birks-Ellis-Ryrie. All of the stores across Canada, thanks to those little Montreal buggers, eventually became Henry Birks & Sons stores, and the other names were essentially removed from Canadian history :(

If this is the 1232174587th time you've heard this story, TOO BAD, SUCKAH.

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